Let’s Build It Right!
Let’s Build It Right!
Bricky® is the brainchild of Noel Marshall who has been inventing wall building tools since 2000. Noel’s other popular inventions include Marshall Profiles®, Masons Mate & Pro-Pointer. Noel believes due to the permanency of walls, their construction should be to an exact standard in line with building regulations and display the aesthetic beauty for which they’re intended. The Bricky’s ease of use ensures the DIY person can now build to a professional standard.

Noel testing the New Adjustable Bricky® Prototype
“I’ve seen too many poorly constructed walls, use our tools and you're building with absolute efficiency & to the exact standard. The result is quality workmanship which displays the beauty of the intended wall“
Noel Marshall – Inventor
Noel Marshall – Inventor
Quality Workmanship
Brickwork typically spans generations, they don't rust, rot, erode or decay.Let's Build It 100% Right
Brick is a solid, permanent and low maintenance material that provides lasting beauty and appreciating value – brick offers true longevity. Brick have been around for thousands of years, it’s one of the only truly tried and tested materials known to man.
“I’ve seen lots of brick laying aids but this is the one that actually works, it empowers people” – Tommy Walsh
People Are Talking
Feedback is consistent, people are beyond pleased with the results they're achieving.Want you're saying
“The Bricky will become as common as the garden spade. Everyone can use it to good effect”.For accuracy & efficiency, Nothing compares.
“Using the Bricky and this DVD, my dad and I built this extension.It’s added $60,000 to the value of our home and only cost us $8,000 to build”
“I’ve built my own garage and even my mate who’s a builder could not believe the standard of workmanship, now I can’t get the tool back off him.”
“A quick note to say I managed to build this conservatory with the bricky tool, it worked great!”