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Get up and running today. Just register to join - no third-party advertiser approvals.
  • 15% commission on all sales
  • 7 day cookies
  • High average order value
  • Regular approval of payments so you get paid quicker
  • Up to date information and design on promotions
  • A well known and popular brand which is associated with fast, reliable service
Whether you are a large network, content site or blogger choose from any of our products to advertise to your customers.
Copy the code for a banner under the "Creatives Tab" or use the "Referral URL Generator" to meet your advertising needs and help you monetize your web site.
Get up to 15% in advertising fees.
Earn advertising fees from Qualifying Purchases, not just the products you advertised.


Affiliate marketing is a kind of marketing where businesses reward affiliates for visitors they send to the business’s site via the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.
Enter any URL from in the form below to generate a referral link - then copy this referral link and share it anywhere and get Commission.
When an affiliate promotes products from they use a referral URL which typically looks like this: When a customer clicks this link and lands on, the affiliate's ID (123 in the example above) is stored in a cookie, within the customer's browser. If the customer makes a purchase, the affiliate that the customer is tracking is awarded commission on the sale.
Absolutely! Since the affiliate's ID is stored in a cookie, the affiliate is tracked across all pages on the site.